Federal company Scientific
"Ekotechnica" specializes in the
development and deployment of various technologies and equipment for
preparation and combustion of composite coal-water slurries (CWS).
"Ekotechnica" implements coal-water
slurries, an ecologically-clean and economical source of energy, in low-power
and medium-power locations. Being the leading producer in its field in Russia,
the company carries out a whole set of tasks from outlining basic technical
directives to constructing and launching systems that transform boiler-stations
to run on CWS.
Composed hydro-coal fuel is a new and
prospectively-successful type of ecologically-clean, comfortably-implemented, and
economical liquid fuel that is based on coal.
Principal characteristics of CWS
CWS is a dispersed mixture, which consists of
thinly-cut coal, water, and a plastic additive.
• HCF content:
- Coal
---------------------- 59-70 %
- Water
-------------------- 29-40 %
- Plastic add. ---- -------- 1 %
• Ignition temp.
- 450-650 C
• Combustion temp.
- 950-1050 C
• Posses all technological properties of a liquid
fuel: transported in auto or rail-road tank cars, through pipelines, in
tankers; stored in closed storage tanks.
• All properties are preserved during long-term
storage and transportation.
• Explosion and fire safe.
Advantages in CWS use
• Ecologically safe at all stages of production,
transportation and use
• Allows reducing harmful waste disposal into the
atmosphere by 1.5 - 3.5 times (dust, oxides, nitrogen, sulfur dioxide)
• Allows effective use of its combustion byproduct,
airborne ash
• CWS is similar to other liquid fuels. Therefore, in
altering heat-generating facilities to use CWS, no major change of equipment is
• Allows mechanizing the processes of receiving,
feeding, and combusting the fuel
• Newly-designed technology of rapid combustion at
temperatures of 950-1050 C allows the combustion efficiency to exceed 97 % (in
plate combustion of coal, efficiency is seldom over 60 percent)
• Four methods of igniting CWS have been developed:
with the use of a plasmotron, natural gas, liquid
fuel, and solid fuel.
• Reduces the cost of 1 ton of fuel with combustion
heat of 12600 BTU/lb (by
2-3 times)
• Expenses associated with transportation, storage,
use, and combustion will be reduced by 15-30 %
• Reduces capital costs involved in the transition
from the use of oil and gas to CWS by 3 times
• All investment costs are covered in 1-2.5 years
Because the technology of CWS preparation does not
include chemical or thermal procedures of coal refinement, the cost of creating
HCF is rather low.
Technologies of preparation and combustion of CWS have been tried in the
following locations:
• Transition to CWS (from black mineral oil) of
agglomeration equipment at Abagu-rskaya Plant (city
of Novoku-znetsk)
• Installation of CWS combustion systems for
boiler-stations at a milk-production factory (city of Myskiy),
at the Inskaya Mine (city of Belovo),
and at an energy company Komunergo CWS (city of Kemerovo),
• Industrial installation for preparing and combusting
CWS at the Taru-ganskya Mine (city of Prokopievsk)
Currently, Scientific
"Ekotechnica" welcomes potential partners
and investors to collaborate in further developing the use of composite
coal-water slurries.